Saturday, May 7, 2011

Methodist Prayer Convention 2011 第二届卫理全国祷告会2011

Attended 2nd National Methodist Prayer Convention 2011 held at Kingwood hotel, Sibu. The organizer was honored to invite World Prayer Day's Founder, Mr.Graham Power (South African) for the Opening Ceremony and a invited Rev.Ha (Taiwan) as the main Speaker towards the event.上个月,有机会前往诗巫晶木酒店参与了由马来西亚卫理公会所举办的全国祷告大会.大会也邀请了世界全国祷告日的创办人,Mr.Graham Power (南非)开幕,还邀请了来自台湾的夏忠坚牧师来分享信息.

I'M able to take some photos during the first night in the hall when everyone start praying. This is a once in a life time experience which more than 3.5K people gather in the hall and pray loudly and whole-heartedly for our nation.
在第一天开幕礼的晚上,有机会拍了些许的照片,来跟大家分享. 当天晚上的祷告会是非常震撼人心的,大会堂里有超过3500人同心的开声,迫切的为我们的国家来祷告.